Frequently Asked Questions about consulting with the Home Studio Master about your Home Voice Over Studio.

With a personal consultation or series of lessons.
My Fee for a personal consultation is $250.00 for an all inclusive session. This will end up saving you possibly thousands of dollars in mistakes and hours of mind-numbing frustration!
I also use common video conferencing and VOIP like SKYPE, and i-Chat. Its like I’m right there with you personally explaining the process of how to create your PERSONAL VOICE OVER STUDIO.
Aside from being a voice actor, I also have an MS in Education and was a professional teacher. I also specialize in e-Learning narration.

I’ll be honest, I will make recommendations on what you should buy based on your specific situation, space and budget.
I’ve spent 32 years behind the mic and know this business from stem to stern. I write extensively and hold monthly webinars and hands on clinics on the subject of Home Voice Over Studios. Then of course check out Voice Over Body Shop, live Monday nights at 8 EST / 5 PST at VOBS.TV